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YAML Tools

YAML loader module


Bases: SafeDumper

Adds white lines on below a given yaml object level

Source code in simple_cdd_yaml/
class LevelWhiteLineDumper(yaml.SafeDumper):
    """ Adds white lines on below a given yaml object level """
    level = 1

    def set_level(cls, level):
        """ Level below which white lines are included  """
        cls.level = level
        return cls

    def write_line_break(self, data=None):
        if len(self.indents) < self.level + 1:

set_level(level) classmethod

Level below which white lines are included

Source code in simple_cdd_yaml/
def set_level(cls, level):
    """ Level below which white lines are included  """
    cls.level = level
    return cls


Bases: Undefined

Jinja2 Undefined to parse jinja inside strings

Source code in simple_cdd_yaml/
class NullUndefined(jinja2.Undefined):
    """ Jinja2 Undefined to parse jinja inside strings """
    def __getattr__(self, key):
        return ''

load_yaml(file, substitutions=None)

Load yaml file

Source code in simple_cdd_yaml/
def load_yaml(file, substitutions=None):
    """ Load yaml file """
    if substitutions is None:
        substitutions = {}
    with open(file, mode="r", encoding="utf-8") as data:
        template = jinja2.Template(, undefined=NullUndefined)
    rendered = template.render(substitutions)
    return yaml.safe_load(rendered)

save_yaml(filepath, yaml_dict)

Store dictionary as yaml file

Source code in simple_cdd_yaml/
def save_yaml(filepath, yaml_dict):
    """ Store dictionary as yaml file """
    with open(filepath, mode='w+', encoding="utf-8") as file:
        yaml.dump(yaml_dict, file, Dumper=LevelWhiteLineDumper.set_level(2),
                  allow_unicode=True, width=4096, sort_keys=False)