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Getting started

This page will guide you through the process of installing Simple-CDD-YAML and generating a Simple-CDD profile from a YAML recipe.


Install Simple-CDD-YAML according to the installation instructions.


Now that Simple-CDD-YAML is installed, the command simple-cdd-yaml should be available. Make sure the appropriate environment (in which simple-cdd-yaml is installed) has been activated prior to issuing this command. You can test it out, by querying the help:

simple-cdd-yaml --help

This should result in the following output:

usage: simple-cdd-yaml [-h] --recipe RECIPE [--profile PROFILE] 
       [--output OUTPUT] [--input INPUT] [--debos] 
       [--debos-output DEBOS_OUTPUT] [--vars key1=value1,key2=value2,...]

Generate simple-cdd profiles using YAML input

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --recipe RECIPE       set the config yaml file
  --profile PROFILE     profile name
  --output OUTPUT       profile output directory (default: .)
  --input INPUT         recipe/action working directory (default: .)
  --debos               if provided, try to generate a debos recipe instead
  --debos-output DEBOS_OUTPUT
                        debos recipe output directory (default: ./debos)
  --vars key1=value1,key2=value2,...
                        override root recipe variables

Building a Simple-CDD profile

In order to build a profile from a given recipe file <recipe-name>.yaml, located in the subdirectory recipe, issue:

simple-cdd-yaml --recipe recipe/<recipe-name>.yaml

Make sure the appropriate environment (in which simple-cdd-yaml is installed) has been activated prior to issuing this command. Alternatively, you can prepend the environment activation (here called <simple-cdd-yaml-venv>):

( . ~/.venv/<simple-cdd-yaml-venv>/bin/activate && \
    simple-cdd-yaml --recipe recipe/<recipe-name>.yaml )

Note that the commands are wrapped in parentheses ( ... ) in order to assure that the commands run in an isolated shell.


After a successful build, a profiles directory should become visible that contains the Simple-CDD outputs, all named after profile name <profile>, but with different extensions. These include:

  • <profile>.preseed
  • <profile>.packages
  • <profile>.postinst
  • <profile>.conf
  • <profile>.extra
  • <profile>.downloads

The last file <profile>.extra contains references to additional files that are included into the profile. These are located in the directory extra. Finally, also a debos directory might appear, if you enabled the debos output option during profile build and included a corresponding action into the recipe.

Visit the Simple-CDD repository or Howto to learn more about the contents of profile files and how to build an images from them using Simple-CDD.