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Examples of working recipes can be found in simple-cdd-yam-recipes.

Example recipe base

The simplest recipe that simple-cdd-yam-recipes features is the recipe base, which is shown below.

The recipe consists of:

  • A series of variables with default values, which can be overridded when including this recipe in another recipe. Variables are used throughout the recipe using the jinja2 notation {{variable}}.
  • Profile name definition.
  • A series of actions:
    • recipe action. Include another recipe, where some variables are being overridden.
    • conf action: Set simple-CDD variables and environment variables.
    • preseed action: The Debian-CD configuration is controlled via preseed. files. Here, a template is used in which variables are substituted.
    • apt action: Install Debian packages.
    • run action (script): Runs a script. Note that variables in the script also might get substituted.
    • run action (command): Runs a command.
    • overlay action: Deploys the contents of a give directory onto the system. This can be done by root (default) or by a given user.
  • Also note that it's possible to include more complex behavior using jinja2, such as if-statements as shown in this example.
{% set locale=locale or "en_US" -%}
{% set keyboard=keyboard or "us" -%}
{% set profile=profile or "base" -%}
{% set mirror_components=mirror_components or "main" -%}
{% set disk_type=disk_type or "DVD" -%}
{% set dist=dist or "bookworm" -%}
{% set mirror=mirror or "" -%}
{% set username=username or "user" -%}
{% set user_fullname=user_fullname or "User" -%}
{% set user_password=user_password or "user" -%}
{% set root_password=root_password or "root" -%}
{% set hostname=hostname or "base" -%}
{% set domain_name=domain_name or "domain" -%}
{% set debos=debos or false %}

profile: {{profile}}

  - action: recipe
    description: Recipe with debos steps
    recipe: recipes/debos.yaml
      dist: {{dist}}
      username: {{username}}

  - action: conf
    description: Simple-CDD configuration settings
      locale: {{locale}}
      keyboard: {{keyboard}}
      profiles: {{profile}}
      auto_profiles: {{profile}}
      mirror_components: {{mirror_components}}
      DISKTYPE: {{disk_type}}
      CODENAME: {{dist}}
      DEBIAN_MIRROR: {{mirror}}

  - action: preseed
    description: Basic preseed file for minimum Debian system with EFI boot
    preconf: preseeds/base-preseed.txt
      user_fullname: {{user_fullname}}
      username: {{username}}
      user_password: {{user_password}}
      root_password: {{root_password}}
      hostname: {{hostname}}
      domain: {{domain_name}}

  - action: apt
    description: Base packages
      - adduser
      - apparmor
      - apt
      - apt-transport-https
      - apt-utils
      - busybox
      - ca-certificates
      - dirmngr
      - dos2unix
      - dbus-user-session
      - gnupg
      - initramfs-tools
      - iptables
      - lsb-release
      - openssh-server
      - sudo
      - systemd
      - systemd-timesyncd
      - unattended-upgrades
      - zstd

  - action: run
    description: Add {{username}} to sudoers
      username: {{username}}
    script: scripts/

  - action: run
    description: Add {{username}} to several groups
      username: {{username}}
        - admin
        - adm
        - dialout
        - cdrom
        - plugdev
        - power
        - audio
        - dip
        - video
        - staff
        - shared
        - sudo
    script: scripts/

{% if not debos %}

  - action: run
    description: Make sure debian UEFI file is registered as boot entry
    command: grub-install --efi-directory /boot/efi --force-extra-removable --recheck && update-grub

  - action: run
    description: Configure grub (output and no menu shown)
    script: scripts/

{% endif%}

  - action: overlay
    description: Bash settings for {{username}}
    user: {{username}}
    source: overlays/bash-settings

  - action: overlay
    description: Bash settings for root
    user: root
    source: overlays/bash-settings