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Build in Docker

To make sure that the host system configuration does not interfere with a simple-CDD build, it's useful to build the image inside a docker container. The following lists instructions to setup such a docker image.

Install and configure docker

First, install and configure docker. Please refer to the script on how to do this.


First create a file called Dockerfile with the contents below. Replace <dist> with the Debian version for which you'd like to build your image, e.g. buster, bullseye or bookworm:

FROM debian:<dist>-slim

RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get -y install --install-recommends simple-cdd xorriso gpg

RUN useradd -ms /bin/bash user
USER user
WORKDIR /home/user

Build docker image

Build the docker image with the following command (again replace <dist>):

docker build -t <dist>-simple-cdd .

Call simple-cdd inside docker

For repeated build attempts, it makes sense to wrap the dockerized simple-CDD call into a bash script e.g. called docker_simple_cdd (don't forget to replace <dist> and make the script executable using chmod +x docker_simple_cdd):

docker run -it --mount "type=bind,source=$(pwd),destination=/home/user" <dist>-simple-cdd /bin/sh -c "simple-cdd $ARGS"

Now you can build an image e.g. from the desktop profile by issuing:

./docker_simple_cdd --profiles desktop