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mlpyqtgraph axes module, with 2D and 3D Axis classes


General Axis class, creates either 2D or 3D axis

Source code in mlpyqtgraph/
class Axis:
    """ General Axis class, creates either 2D or 3D axis """
    def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
        axis_type = kwargs.pop('axis_type', '2D')
        if axis_type == '2D':
            return Axis2D(*args, **kwargs)
        if axis_type == '3D':
            return Axis3D(*args, **kwargs)
        raise InvalidAxis(f'Invalid Axis Type: {axis_type}. Should be either 2D or 3D')


Bases: PlotItem

Axis for plots in a given figure layout

Source code in mlpyqtgraph/
class Axis2D(pg.PlotItem):  # noqa: PLR0904
    """ Axis for plots in a given figure layout """
    pen_styles = {'-': QtCore.Qt.SolidLine,
                  '--': QtCore.Qt.DashLine,
                  ':': QtCore.Qt.DotLine,
                  '.-': QtCore.Qt.DashDotLine}

    def __init__(self, index, **kwargs):
        parent = kwargs.pop('parent', None)
        super().__init__(parent=parent, **kwargs)
        self.index = index
        self.colors_defs = colors.ColorDefinitions()
        self.line_colors = self.colors_defs.get_line_colors()
        self.scale_box_line_color = \
        self.scale_box_fill_color = \

    def setup(self, padding=0.01):
        """ Setup axes and grid """
        self.getViewBox().rbScaleBox.setPen(fn.mkPen(self.scale_box_line_color, width=2))
        for axis_key in self.axes:
            self.getAxis(axis_key).setZValue(-1) # force axis and corresponding ticks to background

    def x_axis(self):
        """ Returns the x-axis """
        return self.getAxis('bottom')

    def y_axis(self):
        """ Returns the y-axis """
        return self.getAxis('left')

    def show_axis_border(self, axis):
        """ Enables/shows an axis, wihtout values and ticks

            axis: axis string designation, 'left', 'top', 'right' or 'bottom'
        self.showAxis(axis, show=True)

    def get_line_color(self, index=None):
        """ Generate line color for given index """
        return self.line_colors[index % len(self.line_colors)]

    def default_line_color(self):
        """ Returns next available color, based on the number of plotted lines """
        return self.get_line_color(len(self.listDataItems()))

    def fix_line_artifacts(width, color):
        Fall to conventional slower drawing method by settings alpha < 1

        pyqtgraph pull request #2011 introduced a new (experimental) line
        drawing mode for thick lines. This also leads to unwanted line artifacts
        if antialiasing is enabled. This method causes a fallback to the old
        (slower) drawing method.
        if width > 1:
            if color in fn.Colors:
                qcolor = fn.Colors[color]
                color = (,,
            return color[:3] + (254,)
        return color

    def add(self, x_coord, y_coord, **kwargs):
        Add a line to the Axes

        **Keyword arguments**

        ============ ===========================================================
        color        line color, default value will determine using
        style        line style
        width        line width
        symbol       symbol type
        symbol_size  symbol size
        symbol_color symbol color
        ============ ===========================================================
        color = kwargs.get('color', self.default_line_color())
        width = kwargs.get('width', 2.0)
        if options.get_option('no_segmented_line_mode'):
            color = self.fix_line_artifacts(width, color)
        style = kwargs.get('style', '-')
        symbol = kwargs.get('symbol')
        symbol_size = kwargs.get('symbol_size', 5)
        symbol_color = kwargs.get('symbol_color', 'k')

        line_pen = None
        if width > 0:
            line_pen = pg.mkPen(color, width=width)
            if style:

        symbol_pen = None
        if symbol is not None:
            symbol_pen = pg.mkPen(symbol_color, width=0)

        self.plot(x_coord, y_coord,
                  pen=line_pen, symbol=symbol, symbolSize=symbol_size,
                  symbolPen=symbol_pen, symbolBrush=symbol_color)

    def grid(self):
        """ Returns grid activation state """
        return self.ctrl.xGridCheck.isChecked() and self.ctrl.yGridCheck.isChecked()

    def grid(self, active=False):
        """ Set gris activation """
        self.showGrid(x=active, y=active, alpha=0.5)

    def xlim(self):
        """ Obtain xlimits """
        return self.x_axis.range

    def xlim(self, limits):
        """ Change x limits """
        self.setLimits(xMin=limits[0], xMax=limits[1])

    def ylim(self):
        """ Obtain ylimits """
        return self.y_axis.range

    def ylim(self, limits):
        """ Change y limits """
        self.setLimits(yMin=limits[0], yMax=limits[1])

    def xlabel(self):
        """ Obtain xlabel """
        return self.x_axis.label.toPlainText()

    def xlabel(self, label, units=None):
        """ Change x label """
        self.x_axis.setLabel(label, units=units)

    def ylabel(self):
        """ Obtain ylabel """
        return self.y_axis.label.toPlainText()

    def ylabel(self, label, units=None):
        """ Change y label """
        self.y_axis.setLabel(label, units=units)

    def xticks(self):
        """ Obtain x tick labels """
        return self.get_ticks(self.x_axis)

    def xticks(self, major):
        """ Change x tick labels """

    def yticks(self):
        """ Obtain y tick labels """
        return self.get_ticks(self.y_axis)

    def yticks(self, major):
        """ Sets major tick labels on y-axis  """

    def set_xticks(self, major, minor=None):
        """ Sets the major and minor ticks on the x-axis """
        self.set_ticks(self.x_axis, major, minor)

    def set_yticks(self, major, minor=None):
        """ Sets the major and minor ticks on the y-axis """
        self.set_ticks(self.y_axis, major, minor)

    def set_ticks(axis, major, minor=None):
        """ Sets the major and minor ticks on a given axis """
        if minor is None:
            minor = ()
        axis.setTicks([major, minor])

    def add_legend(self, *legend_labels, offset=(1,1)):
        """ Add legend labels """
        legend_brush = pg.mkBrush(color=(255, 255, 255, 200))
        self.addLegend(brush=legend_brush, verSpacing=-5, offset=offset)
        plot_items = self.listDataItems()
        for label, item in zip(legend_labels, plot_items):
            self.legend.addItem(item, label)

    def get_axis_span(self, axis):
        """ Determine span of this axis """
        bounds = axis.mapRectFromParent(axis.geometry())
        if axis.orientation == 'left':
            return (bounds.topRight(), bounds.bottomRight())
        if axis.orientation == 'right':
            return (bounds.topLeft(), bounds.bottomLeft())
        if axis.orientation == 'top':
            return (bounds.bottomLeft(), bounds.bottomRight())
        if axis.orientation == 'bottom':
            return (bounds.topLeft(), bounds.topRight())
        return None

    def get_axis_size(self, axis):
        """ Determine size of this axis in pixels """
        axis_span = self.get_axis_span(axis)
        if axis_span is None:
            return None
        points = list(map(self.mapToDevice, axis_span))
        if None in points:
            return None
        length_px = pg.Point(points[1] - points[0]).length()
        if length_px == 0:
            return None
        return length_px

    def get_ticks(self, axis):
        """ Obtain the tick values for a given axis """
        if axis._tickLevels is not None:
            return axis._tickLevels  # return manually set ticks
        length_px = self.get_axis_size(axis)
        if length_px is None:
            return []
        tick_values = axis.tickValues(axis.range[0], axis.range[1], length_px)
        ticks = list()
        for (_, values) in tick_values:
        return sorted(ticks)

    def delete(self):
        """ Closes the axis """

grid property writable

Returns grid activation state

x_axis property

Returns the x-axis

xlabel property writable

Obtain xlabel

xlim property writable

Obtain xlimits

xticks property writable

Obtain x tick labels

y_axis property

Returns the y-axis

ylabel property writable

Obtain ylabel

ylim property writable

Obtain ylimits

yticks property writable

Obtain y tick labels

add(x_coord, y_coord, **kwargs)

Add a line to the Axes

Keyword arguments

============ =========================================================== color line color, default value will determine using 🇵🇾meth:default_line_color()<mlpyqtgraph.axes.Axis2D.default_line_color> style line style width line width symbol symbol type symbol_size symbol size symbol_color symbol color ============ ===========================================================

Source code in mlpyqtgraph/
def add(self, x_coord, y_coord, **kwargs):
    Add a line to the Axes

    **Keyword arguments**

    ============ ===========================================================
    color        line color, default value will determine using
    style        line style
    width        line width
    symbol       symbol type
    symbol_size  symbol size
    symbol_color symbol color
    ============ ===========================================================
    color = kwargs.get('color', self.default_line_color())
    width = kwargs.get('width', 2.0)
    if options.get_option('no_segmented_line_mode'):
        color = self.fix_line_artifacts(width, color)
    style = kwargs.get('style', '-')
    symbol = kwargs.get('symbol')
    symbol_size = kwargs.get('symbol_size', 5)
    symbol_color = kwargs.get('symbol_color', 'k')

    line_pen = None
    if width > 0:
        line_pen = pg.mkPen(color, width=width)
        if style:

    symbol_pen = None
    if symbol is not None:
        symbol_pen = pg.mkPen(symbol_color, width=0)

    self.plot(x_coord, y_coord,
              pen=line_pen, symbol=symbol, symbolSize=symbol_size,
              symbolPen=symbol_pen, symbolBrush=symbol_color)

add_legend(*legend_labels, offset=(1, 1))

Add legend labels

Source code in mlpyqtgraph/
def add_legend(self, *legend_labels, offset=(1,1)):
    """ Add legend labels """
    legend_brush = pg.mkBrush(color=(255, 255, 255, 200))
    self.addLegend(brush=legend_brush, verSpacing=-5, offset=offset)
    plot_items = self.listDataItems()
    for label, item in zip(legend_labels, plot_items):
        self.legend.addItem(item, label)


Returns next available color, based on the number of plotted lines

Source code in mlpyqtgraph/
def default_line_color(self):
    """ Returns next available color, based on the number of plotted lines """
    return self.get_line_color(len(self.listDataItems()))


Closes the axis

Source code in mlpyqtgraph/
def delete(self):
    """ Closes the axis """

fix_line_artifacts(width, color) staticmethod

Fall to conventional slower drawing method by settings alpha < 1

pyqtgraph pull request #2011 introduced a new (experimental) line drawing mode for thick lines. This also leads to unwanted line artifacts if antialiasing is enabled. This method causes a fallback to the old (slower) drawing method.

Source code in mlpyqtgraph/
def fix_line_artifacts(width, color):
    Fall to conventional slower drawing method by settings alpha < 1

    pyqtgraph pull request #2011 introduced a new (experimental) line
    drawing mode for thick lines. This also leads to unwanted line artifacts
    if antialiasing is enabled. This method causes a fallback to the old
    (slower) drawing method.
    if width > 1:
        if color in fn.Colors:
            qcolor = fn.Colors[color]
            color = (,,
        return color[:3] + (254,)
    return color


Determine size of this axis in pixels

Source code in mlpyqtgraph/
def get_axis_size(self, axis):
    """ Determine size of this axis in pixels """
    axis_span = self.get_axis_span(axis)
    if axis_span is None:
        return None
    points = list(map(self.mapToDevice, axis_span))
    if None in points:
        return None
    length_px = pg.Point(points[1] - points[0]).length()
    if length_px == 0:
        return None
    return length_px


Determine span of this axis

Source code in mlpyqtgraph/
def get_axis_span(self, axis):
    """ Determine span of this axis """
    bounds = axis.mapRectFromParent(axis.geometry())
    if axis.orientation == 'left':
        return (bounds.topRight(), bounds.bottomRight())
    if axis.orientation == 'right':
        return (bounds.topLeft(), bounds.bottomLeft())
    if axis.orientation == 'top':
        return (bounds.bottomLeft(), bounds.bottomRight())
    if axis.orientation == 'bottom':
        return (bounds.topLeft(), bounds.topRight())
    return None


Generate line color for given index

Source code in mlpyqtgraph/
def get_line_color(self, index=None):
    """ Generate line color for given index """
    return self.line_colors[index % len(self.line_colors)]


Obtain the tick values for a given axis

Source code in mlpyqtgraph/
def get_ticks(self, axis):
    """ Obtain the tick values for a given axis """
    if axis._tickLevels is not None:
        return axis._tickLevels  # return manually set ticks
    length_px = self.get_axis_size(axis)
    if length_px is None:
        return []
    tick_values = axis.tickValues(axis.range[0], axis.range[1], length_px)
    ticks = list()
    for (_, values) in tick_values:
    return sorted(ticks)

set_ticks(axis, major, minor=None) staticmethod

Sets the major and minor ticks on a given axis

Source code in mlpyqtgraph/
def set_ticks(axis, major, minor=None):
    """ Sets the major and minor ticks on a given axis """
    if minor is None:
        minor = ()
    axis.setTicks([major, minor])

set_xticks(major, minor=None)

Sets the major and minor ticks on the x-axis

Source code in mlpyqtgraph/
def set_xticks(self, major, minor=None):
    """ Sets the major and minor ticks on the x-axis """
    self.set_ticks(self.x_axis, major, minor)

set_yticks(major, minor=None)

Sets the major and minor ticks on the y-axis

Source code in mlpyqtgraph/
def set_yticks(self, major, minor=None):
    """ Sets the major and minor ticks on the y-axis """
    self.set_ticks(self.y_axis, major, minor)


Setup axes and grid

Source code in mlpyqtgraph/
def setup(self, padding=0.01):
    """ Setup axes and grid """
    self.getViewBox().rbScaleBox.setPen(fn.mkPen(self.scale_box_line_color, width=2))
    for axis_key in self.axes:
        self.getAxis(axis_key).setZValue(-1) # force axis and corresponding ticks to background


Enables/shows an axis, wihtout values and ticks


Name Type Description Default

axis string designation, 'left', 'top', 'right' or 'bottom'

Source code in mlpyqtgraph/
def show_axis_border(self, axis):
    """ Enables/shows an axis, wihtout values and ticks

        axis: axis string designation, 'left', 'top', 'right' or 'bottom'
    self.showAxis(axis, show=True)


Bases: GLGraphicsItem

3D axis

Source code in mlpyqtgraph/
class Axis3D(gl.GLGraphicsItem.GLGraphicsItem):
    """ 3D axis """

    gl_options = {
        ogl.GL_DEPTH_TEST: True,
        ogl.GL_BLEND: True,
        ogl.GL_ALPHA_TEST: False,
        ogl.GL_CULL_FACE: False,
        ogl.GL_LINE_SMOOTH: True,
        'glHint': (ogl.GL_LINE_SMOOTH_HINT, ogl.GL_NICEST),
        'glBlendFunc': (ogl.GL_SRC_ALPHA, ogl.GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA),

    gl_surface_options = {
        ogl.GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL: True,
        'glPolygonOffset': (1.0, 1.0 ),

    gl_line_options = {
        ogl.GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL: False,

    def __init__(self, index, parentItem=None, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(parentItem=parentItem, **kwargs)
        self.index = index
        self.grid_axes = GLGridAxis(parentItem=self)
        self.default_surface_options = {
            'glOptions': self.gl_surface_options,
            'colormap': options.get_option('colormap'),
            'smooth': True,
            'projection': options.get_option('projection'),
        self.default_line_options = {
            'color': (0, 0, 0, 1),
            'antialias': options.get_option('antialiasing'),
            'width': 1,
        self.grid_line_options = {
            'glOptions': self.gl_line_options,

    def _setView(self, v):
        for child in self.childItems():

    def set_colormap(surface, colormap='CET-L10'):
        """ Assign colormap to surface using surface height """
        heights = surface._z
        normalized_heights = (heights - heights.min())/np.ptp(heights)
        colors = pg.colormap.get(colormap).map(normalized_heights, mode='float')

    def set_projection_method(self, *coords, method='orthographic'):
        """ Sets the projection method, either perspective or orthographic """
        object_size = (sum([np.ptp(coord)**3.0 for coord in coords]))**(1.0/3.0)
        field_of_view = 60
        if method == 'orthographic':
            field_of_view = 1
        distance = 0.75*object_size/math.tan(0.5*field_of_view/180.0*math.pi)
        self.view().setCameraParams(fov=field_of_view, distance=distance)

    def surf(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """ Adds a 3D surface plot item to the view widget  """
        kwargs = dict(self.default_surface_options, **kwargs)
        surface = gl.GLSurfacePlotItem(*args, **kwargs)
        self.set_colormap(surface, colormap=kwargs['colormap'])
        self.set_projection_method(*args, method=kwargs['projection'])
        self.update_grid_axes(*args, **kwargs)

    def calculate_ax_coord_lims(self, x, y, z):
        """ Calculates the axis coordinates limits """
        coords = dict(coord_generator(x=x, y=y, z=z))
        limits = dict(limit_generator(limit_ratio=0.05, **coords))
        return coords, limits

    def update_grid_axes(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """ Plots the grid axes """
        coords, limits = self.calculate_ax_coord_lims(*args)
        self.grid_axes.setData(coords=coords, limits=limits)
        projection = kwargs.get('projection', 'perspective')

    def add_grid_lines(self, *args):
        """ Plots all grid lines """
        x, y, z = args[:3]
        rows, columns = z.shape
        for row in range(rows):
                x[row]*np.ones(columns), y, z[row],
        for col in range(columns):
                x, y[col]*np.ones(rows), z[:, col],

    def add_line(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """ Plots a single grid line for given coordinates """
        points = np.column_stack(args)
        line = gl.GLLinePlotItem(pos=points, **kwargs)

    def line(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """ Plots a single grid line for given coordinates """
        kwargs = dict(self.default_line_options, **kwargs)
        lines_kwargs = dict(kwargs)
        self.add_line(*args, **lines_kwargs)
        self.set_projection_method(*args, method=kwargs['projection'])
        self.update_grid_axes(*args, **kwargs)

    def azimuth(self):
        return self.view().cameraParams()['azimuth']

    def azimuth(self, value):

    def elevation(self):
        return self.view().cameraParams()['elevation']

    def elevation(self, value):

    def delete(self):
        """ Closes the axis """


Plots all grid lines

Source code in mlpyqtgraph/
def add_grid_lines(self, *args):
    """ Plots all grid lines """
    x, y, z = args[:3]
    rows, columns = z.shape
    for row in range(rows):
            x[row]*np.ones(columns), y, z[row],
    for col in range(columns):
            x, y[col]*np.ones(rows), z[:, col],

add_line(*args, **kwargs)

Plots a single grid line for given coordinates

Source code in mlpyqtgraph/
def add_line(self, *args, **kwargs):
    """ Plots a single grid line for given coordinates """
    points = np.column_stack(args)
    line = gl.GLLinePlotItem(pos=points, **kwargs)

calculate_ax_coord_lims(x, y, z)

Calculates the axis coordinates limits

Source code in mlpyqtgraph/
def calculate_ax_coord_lims(self, x, y, z):
    """ Calculates the axis coordinates limits """
    coords = dict(coord_generator(x=x, y=y, z=z))
    limits = dict(limit_generator(limit_ratio=0.05, **coords))
    return coords, limits


Closes the axis

Source code in mlpyqtgraph/
def delete(self):
    """ Closes the axis """

line(*args, **kwargs)

Plots a single grid line for given coordinates

Source code in mlpyqtgraph/
def line(self, *args, **kwargs):
    """ Plots a single grid line for given coordinates """
    kwargs = dict(self.default_line_options, **kwargs)
    lines_kwargs = dict(kwargs)
    self.add_line(*args, **lines_kwargs)
    self.set_projection_method(*args, method=kwargs['projection'])
    self.update_grid_axes(*args, **kwargs)

set_colormap(surface, colormap='CET-L10') staticmethod

Assign colormap to surface using surface height

Source code in mlpyqtgraph/
def set_colormap(surface, colormap='CET-L10'):
    """ Assign colormap to surface using surface height """
    heights = surface._z
    normalized_heights = (heights - heights.min())/np.ptp(heights)
    colors = pg.colormap.get(colormap).map(normalized_heights, mode='float')

set_projection_method(*coords, method='orthographic')

Sets the projection method, either perspective or orthographic

Source code in mlpyqtgraph/
def set_projection_method(self, *coords, method='orthographic'):
    """ Sets the projection method, either perspective or orthographic """
    object_size = (sum([np.ptp(coord)**3.0 for coord in coords]))**(1.0/3.0)
    field_of_view = 60
    if method == 'orthographic':
        field_of_view = 1
    distance = 0.75*object_size/math.tan(0.5*field_of_view/180.0*math.pi)
    self.view().setCameraParams(fov=field_of_view, distance=distance)

surf(*args, **kwargs)

Adds a 3D surface plot item to the view widget

Source code in mlpyqtgraph/
def surf(self, *args, **kwargs):
    """ Adds a 3D surface plot item to the view widget  """
    kwargs = dict(self.default_surface_options, **kwargs)
    surface = gl.GLSurfacePlotItem(*args, **kwargs)
    self.set_colormap(surface, colormap=kwargs['colormap'])
    self.set_projection_method(*args, method=kwargs['projection'])
    self.update_grid_axes(*args, **kwargs)

update_grid_axes(*args, **kwargs)

Plots the grid axes

Source code in mlpyqtgraph/
def update_grid_axes(self, *args, **kwargs):
    """ Plots the grid axes """
    coords, limits = self.calculate_ax_coord_lims(*args)
    self.grid_axes.setData(coords=coords, limits=limits)
    projection = kwargs.get('projection', 'perspective')


Bases: RootException

Exception raised for invalid axes

Source code in mlpyqtgraph/
class InvalidAxis(RootException):
    """ Exception raised for invalid axes """


Bases: Exception

Root Exception of the windows module

Source code in mlpyqtgraph/
class RootException(Exception):
    """ Root Exception of the windows module """